I have defined the purpose of The Effectiveness Exchange as: 'Promoting and sharing views, news, practice and thinking about organisational effectiveness' A better way - a different perspective Much of the improvement activity in services organisations today has been captured by
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Rethinking Regulation: A Manifesto
Everybody agrees that regulation is necessary, but rarely do they understand the chilling impact that the current design of regulation can have on

NHS Targets ‘have had their day’ as review set to introduce new revised targets
Lord Prior, chairman of NHS England is reported to have signalled that [NHS] 'targets have had their day' (The Telegraph, 14th February 2019). Targets
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An antidote to Whack a mole projects
At one point I was asked to deliver a project in a high-risk, highly-regulated service in a national organisation. It was an area that I hadn't … Continue reading about An antidote to Whack a mole projects

Enhancing Organisational Effectiveness: The Impact of Applying McGregor’s Theory Y
Many organizations express their desire to boost productivity and reduce costs, but the reality often reveals increased activity without substantial … Continue reading about Enhancing Organisational Effectiveness: The Impact of Applying McGregor’s Theory Y

Using Purpose to Design and manage for effectiveness, learning and autonomy
If you were to ask most managers if they trust their teams, they would probably look at you a little shocked and say ‘of course!’ And yet many … Continue reading about Using Purpose to Design and manage for effectiveness, learning and autonomy

Senior Leadership Knowledge seeking for strategy formulation – a case study
Most modern organisations are drowning in information but often short on knowledge. And as we all know, without knowledge, there is no meaningful … Continue reading about Senior Leadership Knowledge seeking for strategy formulation – a case study

Designed to fail? Mckinsey’s 70% and all that
Mckinseys get a lot of stick for their claim that 70 percent of change programs fail to achieve their goals (Changing Change Management, 2015). This … Continue reading about Designed to fail? Mckinsey’s 70% and all that